Quotes about Claim
The Republic may not give wealth or happiness, she has not promised these. It is the freedom to pursue these, not their realization, we can claim.
- Andrew Carnegie
The whole question hinged on Arthur's statement to his brother. Suppress that statement, and the claim vanished, and with it the scandal, the humiliation, the life-long burden of the woman and child dragging the name of Peyton through heaven knew what depths.
- Edith Wharton
She could only gather, from the silences and evasions amid which she moved, that a woman had turned up—a woman who was of course dreadful, and whose dreadfulness appeared to include a sort of shadowy claim upon Arthur. But the claim, whatever it was, had been promptly discredited.
- Edith Wharton
The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan values and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Unless a man is prepared to ask a woman to be his wife, what right has he to claim her exclusive attention? Unless she has been asked to marry him, why would a sensible woman promise any man her exclusive attention? If, when the time has come for a commitment, he is not man enough to ask her to marry him, she should give him no reason to presume that she belongs to him.
- Elisabeth Elliot
If it is true, if it is beautiful, if it is honorable, if it is right, then claim it. Because it is from God. And you belong to God.
- Rob Bell
There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.
- CS Lewis
You have the right to claim blessing, healing, protection, freedom, deliverance, because He was unjustly nailed to a cross so you could have a life that is fulfilling.
- TB Joshua
I fear it's because religion is man's attempt to reach God, and when he feels he has succeeded, he cannot abide anyone else's claim to have done the same.
- Jerry B. Jenkins
Jesus did not merely claim to be a prophet in a continuum of prophets. He is the unique Son of God, part of the very Godhead that Christianity calls the Trinity.
- Ravi Zacharias
- Ravi Zacharias