Quotes about Marriage
The perfect marriage is a uniting of three persons—a man and a woman and God. That is what makes marriage holy.
- Billy Graham
Gardens don't grow by themselves; they need to be tended and cultivated and weeded. The same is true of a marriage.
- Billy Graham
The secret of domestic happiness is to let God, the party of the third part in the marriage contract, have His rightful place in the home. Make peace with Him and then you can be a real peacemaker in the home.
- Billy Graham
If young people could only realize that a happy marriage depends not only on the present, but upon the past, they would be more reluctant to enter into loose, intimate relations with anyone and everyone.
- Billy Graham
My wife often said that "a good marriage consists of two good forgivers.
- Billy Graham
When a husband and wife are concerned only about their own individual desires, the stage is set for conflict.
- Billy Graham
I have been asked the question, "Who do you go to for counsel, for spiritual guidance?' My answer: My wife, Ruth. She is the only one I completely confide in.
- Billy Graham
I get many letters every day from people who got married because they wanted their own selfish needs satisfied, and have only later come to realize that this does not work.
- Billy Graham
Marriage is not a reform school... Instead of you reforming [your spouse], [he or she] will instead influence you.
- Billy Graham
As husband and wife, to have a happy life together, you must have confidence and respect, and you must have substantial agreement in your faith.
- Billy Graham
The only really sound marriages are those based on mutual respect.
- Billy Graham
Our culture puts feelings first, but true love isn't based on feelings. That is why there are so many divorces today. When the early romantic feelings in a marriage do not remain constant... many people believe divorce is the answer.
- Billy Graham