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Quotes about Marriage

Even if you're a giver who likes to give, it's exhausting being married to a taker. A taker will suck the life out of you in many ways, and in one sense undercut your ability to minister to others.
- Gary Thomas
View marriage as an entryway into sanctification — as a relationship that will reveal your sinful behaviors and attitudes and give you the opportunity to address them before the Lord. But here's the challenge: Don't give in to the temptation to resent your partner as your own weaknesses are revealed. Don't run from what you are hearing about yourself, or push your spouse away because of it — accept it and use it to grow.
- Gary Thomas
Here's the reality: many women are led into marriage primarily through romantic idealism, and many men are swept to the altar through sexual attraction. Before you can make a wise marital choice, you have to rid yourself of inferior motivations. The wrong why will lead you to the wrong who.
- Gary Thomas
We can assume that when the Bible teaches submission, God knew full well that wives would have to watch their husbands fail and make mistakes. Thankfully, this verse also presents some boundaries. If you submit "out of reverence for Christ," you are never obligated — ever — to do anything that would offend Christ.
- Gary Thomas
Does your Christian (partner) pray? ... if not, you'll walk through life without the person who knows you most lifting you up in prayerful support. You'll be the only one supporting your kids in prayer. You'll be married to someone who isn't opening themselves up to gods conviction encouragement and support.
- Gary Thomas
Our wives don't have to "deserve" it. A Christian husband doesn't love his wife only when she is lovable. He loves her whenever Christ deserves to be reverenced, which, of course, is always.
- Gary Thomas
No husband comes in a perfect package. No husband can do it all. Your job as a wife is to fight to stay sensitive to your husband's strengths. Resist the temptation to compare his weaknesses to another husband's strengths, while forgetting your husband's strengths and that other husband's weaknesses.
- Gary Thomas
The Bible clearly says we shouldn't feel forced to marry or feel prohibited from marrying; this is one of those life decisions God leaves up to us.
- Gary Thomas
Families start to break down—and marriages often break down, for that matter—when we stop enjoying each other.
- Gary Thomas
I think most of us who have been married for any substantial length of time realize that the romantic roller coaster of courtship eventually evens out to the terrain of a Midwest interstate - long, flat stretches with an occasional overpass.
- Gary Thomas
Giving respect to others brings light and life into our lives. It leads us in the end to respect the God who created all of us and shapes us as he sees fit. It is an essential discipline, and marriage provides daily opportunities to grow in this area.
- Gary Thomas
Humility is about the little things in life, and marriage is 90 percent small stuff. We don't build humility on giant gestures as much as forge it with consistent, thoughtful actions day after day.
- Gary Thomas