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Quotes about Marriage

A Christian wife who may be looking good on the outside, but who cuts her husband with her words, runs him down to her friends and family, and dishonors him in the children's presence is not beautiful by God's definition.
- Tony Evans
Women who want to please the Lord in their marriages often must ignore the people on the other side of the glass. That's because what God is telling them in His Word may go against what many of their friends are telling them and what the television is telling them. But none of us is here to please the onlookers.
- Tony Evans
what makes a marriage strong is loving with a biblical love grounded in patience, kindness, loyalty, grace, and more, which is in alignment with God's covenantal purpose for marriage.
- Tony Evans
This is why Satan loves to see divorce among Christian couples. If he can get husbands and wives fighting each other over their disagreements and personality conflicts and preferences, then they will miss the bigger battle altogether.
- Tony Evans
Of all of the places on the planet, your marriage should be that one place where you are encouraged, reminded of your strengths, and given the motivation you need to live out those strengths well.
- Tony Evans
Thus marriage, like the Trinity, is a hierarchical partnership. While all parties are equal in value, essence, and significance, there is a distinction in function (hierarchy) in order to fulfill God's kingdom agenda in history.
- Tony Evans
A man once told me, "Tony, my wife is killing me." I replied, "Well, you said you wanted to be more like Jesus, didn't you?
- Tony Evans
The closer God and His rule are tied to the definition of marriage, the more order, productivity, and fulfillment are experienced in our marriages. The further away God and His rule are, the more chaos occurs in the home.
- Tony Evans
God has commanded us to love our wives even when they don't deserve it—for if we love them only when they deserve it, where would grace be? In fact, we need to love our wives the most when they deserve it the least.
- Tony Evans
Husbands should not be in the marriage first and foremost to get their needs met, but rather they should first look out for the interests and needs of their wives. A husband's love should be characterized by sacrifice for the good of his wife.
- Tony Evans
The absence of a kingdom purpose for marriage makes it appear as if many couples have been married by the secretary of war rather than the justice of the peace. A passenger on a plane one day noticed that the man sitting next to him had his wedding ring on the wrong hand, so he asked him why. The husband replied, Because I married the wrong woman.
- Tony Evans
If you could be a fly on the wall of my office the numerous times I counsel married couples, you would hear the same word I hear over and over and over again: Trapped. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked to help married couples not feel so trapped. One husband came to me after only six months of marriage, already saying he felt trapped and wanted out.
- Tony Evans