Quotes about Marriage
A man's wife has more power over him than the state has.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In my long life I have found peace, joy, and happiness beyond my fondest hopes and dreams. One of the supreme benedictions of my life has been my marriage to an elect daughter of God. I love her with all my heart and soul.
- James Faust
I'm quite surprised I ever got married in the first place.
- Anne Reid
Black women are acting irresponsibly by giving birth to baby after baby out of wedlock. Most of these children are from different fathers as well.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I don't sit around thinking that I'd like to have another husband; only another man would make me think that way.
- Lauren Bacall
A man is in general better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.
- Samuel Johnson
I see by the papers that they are going to do away with all the nuisance taxes. That means that a man can get a marriage license for nothing.
- Will Rogers
No man knows what the wife of his bosom is until he has gone with her through the fiery trials of this world.
- Washington Irving
People need jobs, people need happy and successful lives; there should be marriage between one man and one woman, there should the value of person from conception until natural death.
- Alveda King
I believe that marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.
- Hillary Clinton
There are two basic restrictions on marriage in the Bible: Number one, she should marry a man. Number two, he should be a Christian.
- John Piper
A wise man in his house should find a wife gentle and courteous, or no wife at all.
- Euripides