Quotes about Marriage
Such a wife as I want... must be young, handsome I lay most stress upon a good shape, sensible a little learning will do, well-bread, chaste, and tender. As to religion, a moderate stock will satisfy me. She must believe in God and hate a saint.
- Alexander Hamilton
Marriage has given me the gift of compassion.
- Ayesha Curry
Not cohabitation but consensus constitutes marriage.
- Cicero
The sweet companionship of eternal marriage is one of the greatest blessings God has granted to His children.
- Joseph Wirthlin
Commitment Now, nobody can have unity on his or her own. You cannot be married on your own. There is no such thing as an independent believer. You cannot have unity by belonging nowhere.
- Reinhard Bonnke
There is a great deal of duty that husband and wife owe to one another, such as to instruct, admonish, pray, watch over one another, and be continual helpers to each other in order to their everlasting happiness; they must also patiently bear with the infirmities of each other.
- Richard Baxter
gay marriage as the ultimate threat to society
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The very nature of marriage means saying yes before you know what it will cost. Though you may say the "I do" of the wedding ritual in all sincerity, it is the testing of that vow over time that makes you married.
- Kathleen Norris
When joy and prayer are married, their first born child is gratitude.
- Charles Spurgeon
A wife's prayers for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone else's, even his mother's. (Sorry, Mom.)
- Stormie Omartian
Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it's not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.
- Amy Grant
Marriage is two imperfect people committing themselves to a perfect institution, by making perfect vows from imperfect lips before a perfect God.
- Myles Munroe