Quotes about Marriage
I have nothing against her, and in fact I'm very fond of my first wife. But we should have ended that marriage eight or 10 years earlier.
- Michael Douglas
No, you won't. And I won't be enough for you, Amanda. I don't want to be the center of your life. I want to be part of it. I want to be your husband, not your god. People can't always be there for you, no matter how much they want to be. And that includes me.
- Francine Rivers
Why did you come for me?" "You're my wife." "I left the ring on the table! I didn't steal it." "That didn't change a thing. We're still married." "You could've just forgotten about it." He stopped and glared at her. "It's a lifetime commitment in my book, lady. It's not an arrangement you nullify when things get a little tough to bear.
- Francine Rivers
Lord," he said heavily. "Lord, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." But he knew he was going to marry that girl anyway.
- Francine Rivers
I'm not your father! I'm not Duke! I'm not some gent paying for half an hour in your bed!" His hands tightened on her arms. "I'm your husband! I don't take what you feel lightly. I love you. You're my wife!
- Francine Rivers
You're going to marry me, and I'm going to take you out of here.
- Francine Rivers
Come away with me and be my wife." She gave a harsh laugh. "If you want a wife, send for one by mail, or wait for the next wagon train to cross the mountains." He came toward her. "I can give you a good life. I don't care how you got here or where you've been before. Come with me now.
- Francine Rivers
I never intended to marry - because I've never met a man I could trust. She raised her head slowly. I trust you, Matthias.
- Francine Rivers
Michael straightened. "I still married her, and I'd marry her again if I had it to do over." A simple statement, calmly and quietly delivered, but his eyes were burning with wrath.
- Francine Rivers
It took resurrection power to make love last through the long haul. And it took a man and woman willing to surrender themselves to one another and to the One who came up with marriage in the first place.
- Francine Rivers
If you don't love her, leave her alone. If you do, let her be the woman she is. You'll find a good description in that Bible of yours. Proverbs 31, if I remember rightly. A woman of virtue…" Just like a man to focus on the woman. Take a good, hard look at the husband that woman had" She shook her head. If I ever met a man who treated me with that kind of respect, I might even marry again.
- Francine Rivers
Go ahead! Her eyes shimmered with tears. Laugh! Pulling Kathryn to her feet, he cupped her face tenderly. We will laugh, darlin', right up until we're both old and gray and have a dozen grandchildren. He kissed her firmly. The answer is yes. I'll marry you. He grinned and kissed her again.
- Francine Rivers