Quotes about Separation
Though I knew how this failure would hurt you, I had to fold like a grey moth and let go.You could not believe I was more than your echo.
- Margaret Atwood
Even if we are separated from people, and even if there is no other gift which we can give to them, we can surround them with the strength and the defence of our prayers.
- William Barclay
Do not keep on with a mockery of friendship after the substance is gone — but part, while you can part friends. Bury the carcass of friendship: it is not worth embalming.
- William Hazlitt
Death is not more certainly a separation of our souls from our bodies than the Christian life is a separation of our souls from worldly tempers, vain indulgences, and unnecessary cares.
- William Law
Holiness is not merely a feeling, state of mind, or good intention. It involves practical separation from sin and real separation unto God.
- Paul Washer
Thank God, under our Constitution there was no connection between church and state.
- James K. Polk
When they have opened a gap in the ... wall of separation between the Garden of the Church and the wildernes of the world, God hath ever ... made his Garden a Wildernesse.
- Roger Williams
Separation to God, separation from the world, is the first principle of Christian living.
- Watchman Nee
Our natural inclination is to hide ourselves from God.
- RC Sproul
The problem is that we have allowed our egos, the part of us which believes that we are separate from God and separate from each other, to dominate our lives.
- Wayne Dyer
To be a Christian is to realize that in your sin, you were separated from God's presence, and you deserved nothing but God's wrath.
- David Platt
There is nothing that I shudder at more than the idea of a separation of the Union. Should such an event ever happen, which I fervently pray God to avert, from that date I view our liberty gone.
- Andrew Jackson