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Quotes about Separation

dis-aster is separation from the stars. Such separation is disaster indeed. When we are separated from the stars, the sea, each other, we are in danger of being separated from God.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Twentieth-century man has created his own fantasies through science (...). What fantastic achievements have thereby been made possible in the way of moving faster, growing richer, communicating more rapidly, mastering illnesses, and altogether overcoming the hazards of our earthly existence. But all the achievements have led to a true nature of our being: in other words, an alienation from God. If it were possible to live without God, it would not be worth living at all.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Love is timeless.... Death does not separate the lover from the beloved.
- Khalil Gibran
N-am avut puterea s? te înl?tur din viaÃ…£a mea când, biologic, planetar, emoÃ…£ional, metafizic, psihanalitic, ar fi trebuit.
- Anais Nin
The Righteousness of God no longer terrifies man. It meets him as a friend, with an offer of complete justification. God's countenance beams with pleasure and approval as the penitent sinner draws near to Him, and He invites him to intimate fellowship. He opens for him treasure of blessing. There is nothing now that can separate him from God.
- Andrew Murray
Do we not begin to fear that love has fled from the earth? That if we were to ask the world: "Have you seen us wear the badge of love?" the world would say: "No; what we have heard of the Church of Christ is that there is not a place where there is no quarreling and separation." Let us ask God with one heart that we may wear the badge of Jesus' love. God is able to give it.
- Andrew Murray
The two-tiered spirituality created an artificial separation between the clergy and the laity—and thus between the Church and the world.
- Scott Hahn
Christ, therefore, died for our sins, in order to redeem or separate us from the world.
- John Calvin
Since the life of the soul is bound to God, those who are by sin alienated from him are to be regarded as dead.
- John Calvin
When the law is separated from Christ, nothing is left but empty forms.
- John Calvin
So also we, if we are to give ourselves wholly to Christ, must break away from all the entanglements of this world.
- John Calvin
First, we must understand that as long as Christ remains outside of us, and we are separated from him, all that he has suffered and done for the salvation of the human race remains useless and of no value for us. Therefore, to share with us what he has received from the Father, he had to become ours and to dwell within us.
- John Calvin