Quotes about Separation
If you could defeat sin by separating yourself from its external manifestations, Jesus would never have needed to come.
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus faced separation from his Father in the here and now so that we would know the Father's acceptance now and for all eternity.
- Paul David Tripp
The world of envy no more mixes with the world of grace than oil does with water.
- Paul David Tripp
Finally, the New Testament does not teach a separation between life and ministry. Every dimension of your life is a forum for ministry. Marriage is ministry. Friendship is ministry. Parenting is ministry. Being a neighbor is ministry. The workplace is a place of ministry.
- Paul David Tripp
Faith as the state of being ultimately concerned implies love, namely, the desire and urge toward the reunion of the seperated.
- Paul Tillich
The separation of faith and love is always a consequence of a deterioration of religion.
- Paul Tillich
To walk in a deep and consistent level of the anointing requires a price of personal sacrifice—spending more time with God than with people, fasting, and separating yourself in prayer and study of the Word. The anointing activates the presence of God, mixing it with a person's faith, and brings deliverance to the body, mind, and spirit.
- Perry Stone
And as I write this, Romans 13:1 recently made the rounds on the American political scene to shield the administration from criticism for separating illegal immigrants from their children at the border—which is just one of many reasons why politicians should not be allowed near a Bible without adult supervision.
- Peter Enns
God's act of salvation in Exodus hearkens back to God's act of creation in Genesis, when God separated the waters on the second and third days of creation. Saving Israel is a divine act of "re-creation.
- Peter Enns
And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.
- Genesis 1:4
God called the light “day,” and the darkness He called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
- Genesis 1:5
And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.”
- Genesis 1:6