Quotes about Conviction
I'm not ashamed of the Gospel.
- Jeremy Camp
I see with greater and greater clearness that consistent Christianity is the easiest Christianity to defend.
- J. Gresham Machen
Believe me, than in half the creeds.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses.
- George Bernard Shaw
A miracle, my friend, is an event which creates faith.
- George Bernard Shaw
it annoys me to see people comfortable when they ought to be uncomfortable; and I insist on making them think in order to bring them to conviction of sin. If you don't like my preaching you must lump it. I really cannot help it. In the preface to my Plays for Puritans I
- George Bernard Shaw
His faith wavered, but not his speech: it is the lot of every man who has to speak for the satisfaction of the crowd, that he must often speak in virtue of yesterday's faith, hoping it will come back to-morrow.
- George Eliot
for me to help him," said Dorothea, ardently. "You have quite made up your mind, I see. Well, my dear, the fact is, I have a letter for you in my pocket." Mr. Brooke handed the letter to Dorothea, but as she rose to go away, he added, "There is not too much
- George Eliot
He was doctrinally convinced that there was a total absence of merit in himself; but that doctrinal conviction may be held without pain when the sense of demerit does not take a distinct shape in memory and revive the tingling of shame or the pang of remorse. Nay, it may be held with intense satisfaction when the depth of our sinning is but a measure for the depth of forgiveness, and a clenching proof that we are peculiar instruments of the divine intention.
- George Eliot
And all we've got to do is to trusten, Master Marner - to do the right thing as fur as we know and to trusten. For if us as knows so little can see a bit o' good and rights, we may be sure as there's a good and a rights bigger not what we can know - I feel it i' my own inside as it must be so.
- George Eliot
His friend Tulliver had asked him for an opinion; it is always chilling, in friendly intercourse, to say you have no opinion to give. And if you deliver an opinion at all, it is mere stupidity not to do it with an air of conviction and well-founded knowledge. You make it your own in uttering it, and naturally get fond of it.
- George Eliot
No one will ever convince me that the word of God is not true.
- Ken Ham