Quotes about Conviction
We must have a virile, dynamic, aggressive Christian who lives Christ seven days a week, who is ready to die, if necessary, for his faith.
- Billy Graham
A great problem in America is that we have an anemic and watered-down Christianity that has produced an anemic, watered-down, and spineless Christian who is not willing to stand up and be counted on every issue.
- Billy Graham
We must understand what the word believe implies. It means "commit" and "surrender.
- Billy Graham
You cannot come to Christ unless the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin.
- Billy Graham
Only [God] can convict nonbelievers of their sins; only He can convince them of the truth of the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
Our youth are desperately searching for purpose and meaning in their lives. They are searching for fulfillment . . . I believe that a return to biblical conversion, faith, and conviction would have a great impact in our day.
- Billy Graham
God's judgment echoes the sound of hoofbeats, but God's love quietly convicts.
- Billy Graham
Deep down inside I knew something was different … I wanted to tell others what had happened to me. I didn't have any tears, I didn't have any emotion, I didn't hear any thunder, there was no lightning … but … I made my decision for Christ.
- Billy Graham
Only the Holy Spirit can open our eyes. Only He can convict us of the depth of our sin, and only He can convince us of the truth of the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
I had not been preaching long before I decided that I would never preach to another segregated audience in any situation over which we had control. This was long before the Supreme Court decision of 1954. I felt this was the Christian position and I could do no other.
- Billy Graham
Jesus does not allow us to be neutral about Him. Jesus demands that we decide about Him.
- Billy Graham
Men and women do make decisions wherever the Gospel is proclaimed; whether publicly or privately, some say yes, some say no, and some procrastinate. No one ever hears the Gospel proclaimed without making some kind of decision!
- Billy Graham