Quotes about Conviction
The unpopularity of an obviously right action should not hinder the execution of an obviously right decision.
- James MacDonald
Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence
- James Madison
Perhaps [the critics are right and] the drama is played out now and Jesus is safely dead and buried. Perhaps. It is ironical and entertaining to consider that at least once in the world's history those words might have been said with complete conviction, and that was on the eve of the Resurrection.
- Dorothy Sayers
A person who can believe all the articles of the Christian faith is not going to boggle over a trifle of adverse evidence.
- Dorothy Sayers
Faith is the first step to understanding. Either it's the Word of an infallible God, the fallible words of men, or faith in what you personally believe. You've got to have faith in something. Believe me.
- Ray Comfort
Faith is never identical with piety.
- Karl Barth
I'm not a politician. I don't want to be a politician, because politicians do what is politically expedient. I want to do what's right.
- Ben Carson
Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion.
- Mahatma Gandhi
To live in faith is to live without regret.
- Rachel Hauck
We have to believe and trust or our faith is useless.
- Rachel Hauck
Family is the most valuable thing on earth, though Lord knows I didn't live my life with that conviction. Remember that family isn't just blood kin but anyone who fits into your heart.
- Rachel Hauck
The disease with which the human mind now labors is want of faith
- Ralph Waldo Emerson