Quotes about Surrender
I renounce every limit I have ever placed on Jesus. I renounce every limit I have placed on him in my life. I break all limitations, renounce them, revoke them. Jesus, forgive me for restraining you in my life.
- John Eldredge
You can't ask Christ to come into your wound while you remain far from it. You have to go there with him. Lord Jesus, I give my life to you—everything I am, everything I have become. I surrender myself to you utterly. Come and be my Lord. Be my healer. I give you my wounded heart. Come and meet me here. Enter my heart and soul, my wounds and brokenness, and bring your healing love to me in these very places.
- John Eldredge
Worship is what we give our hearts away to in return for a promise of Life.
- John Eldredge
Jesus, I give my heart to your kingdom; I am made for your kingdom and nothing else will do.
- John Eldredge
God rarely forces a man to do something against his will, because God would far and above prefer that he didn't have to, that the man wills to do the will of God. "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve" (Josh. 24:15 NIV). What God is after is a man so yielded to him, so completely surrendered, that his heart is easily moved by the Spirit of God to the purposes of God. That kind of heart makes for a good king.
- John Eldredge
When we abandon ourselves to love, we find ourselves closer to the one who is always doing that Himself. We find God.
- John Eldredge
And as I do, even as I say it out loud—I give everyone and everything to you—my soul cooperates a good bit. I'm settling down.
- John Eldredge
Set your phone alarm so that three times a day you stop, love God, and give him your allegiance. I love you, God. I love you, God. I love you. I give you my allegiance. I choose you over all things. Give me the strength that prevails.
- John Eldredge
The secret of Christianity is something else altogether—the life of Christ in you. Allowing his life to become your life. His revolution is not self-transformation, but his transformation of you, from the inside out, as you receive his life and allow him to live through you. Vine, branch. Anything else is madness.
- John Eldredge
I give the Self Life to you, God. I abandon it, release it, deny it, turn it over to you. I'd much rather have you.
- John Eldredge
Jesus, I surrender the Self Life to you.
- John Eldredge
I am surrendering it, turning it over to Jesus, relinquishing its every right.
- John Eldredge