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Quotes about Surrender

Jesus makes it clear that to follow Him, we must first count the cost. There is a price to following Jesus, and He makes the amount certain. The price is nothing short of our lives!
- John Bevere
When we pester the Lord after He has already clearly shown His will, He may step back and allow us to have our way even though it does not correspond with His original plan. When our hearts are set on a course of action, God will grant us permission, though He knows we will later answer for the course we choose.
- John Bevere
It's possible to want intellectual stimulation, emotional gratification and social usefulness but not to want God. Because if you really want God in your life, you have to give up your own will, and that shows us the difference between someone who is actually trying to use God and someone who is trying to serve God. to use God is to seek him for what we can get out of Him. To serve God, is to be entirely motivated by our love for him.
- John Bevere
When the plan of God for my life causes me to face my hurts and wrongful attitudes, I will not run from these things but will find healing and restoration from dealing with my hurts through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- John Bevere
If you search for an escape route before understanding why God has you in a particularly dry situation, you unwittingly will prolong your wilderness time.
- John Bevere
Whenever our pursuit is for blessings instead of for the Lord, He will remove or withhold so that we will cry out for Him again.
- John Bevere
Our lives must be submitted to and built upon His position of lordship, not upon His work as Savior.
- John Bevere
When we fear God, we will… Obey Him instantly, obey Him even if it doesn't make sense, obey Him even if it hurts, obey Him even if we don't see the benefit, obey Him to completion.
- John Bevere
Faith says, I trust You even though I don't understand.
- John Bevere
We give our lives completely because we are confident of His perfect leadership, character, and love and that He knows what's best. Though He intensely desires our freedom and loves us perfectly, He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords and will not come into our lives as second to anything or anyone else.
- John Bevere
When Jesus questioned, "Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?" He was actually saying, "Do not deceive yourself by calling Me 'Lord' while you continue to live your life as if you owned it.
- John Bevere
I'd advise you, then, to quickly get rid of your burden; for until then you'll never be settled in your mind or enjoy the benefits of the blessings that God has given you.
- John Bunyan