Quotes about Surrender
Jesus demands everything, not just so we would submit to his control, but to free us from the control of things that were never designed to control us.
- Paul David Tripp
None of us gets our dream in the way that we dreamt it, because none of us is writing our own story. God, in his love, writes a better story than we could ever write for ourselves. He has a better dream than the one we conceive. He knows much better than we do what is best for us. He will take us places that we never intended to go because, in doing so, we become more of what he re-created us in Christ to be.
- Paul David Tripp
He knows that his plan will confuse and confound you. And he knows that real rest cannot be found in understanding. Real rest is found in trust.
- Paul David Tripp
Joyful, perseverant obedience only ever grows in the soil of worship.
- Paul David Tripp
In grace, he leads you where you didn't plan to go in order to produce in you what you couldn't achieve on your own.
- Paul David Tripp
Faith is living in light of what God has said, resting in what he has done, and entrusting the future to his care.
- Paul David Tripp
successful parenting is not about achieving goals (that you have no power to produce) but about being a usable and faithful tool in the hands of the One who alone is able to produce good things in your children.
- Paul David Tripp
God's call to obey is itself a grace. In this call, he is actively rescuing you from you.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer is not bringing your list and asking God to sign on the bottom. Prayer is handing God a blank sheet that you have already signed and trusting him to fill it out as he sees fit.
- Paul David Tripp
He lifts the burden of change off our shoulders and never calls us to do what only he can do.
- Paul David Tripp
Spiritual adultery occurs when I give the love that belongs to God alone to something or someone else.
- Paul David Tripp
In the center of the kingdom of God, you do not find a gargantuan palace inhabited by an unapproachable king. No, in the center of the kingdom of God is a bloody cross, on which hung a broken King, who welcomes us as we are.
- Paul David Tripp