Quotes about Surrender
Obedience unlocks God's power.
- Rick Warren
Grace is when you aren't striving or controlling or trying to change or manipulate or make something happen. Grace is when you find yourself carried along, when all that's left to do is receive. Grace is when you know you're loved, exactly as you are. Grace is an entirely different way of experiencing life. Another word for grace is gift.
- Rob Bell
It's in that place that we're reminded that true life comes when we're willing to admit that we've reached the end of ourselves, we've given up, we've let go, we're willing to die to all of our desires to figure it out and be in control. We lose our life, only to find it.
- Rob Bell
Love demands freedom. It always has, and it always will. We are free to resist, reject, and rebel against God's ways for us. We can have all the hell we want.
- Rob Bell
Grace is when you aren't striving or controlling or trying to change or manipulate or make something happen. Grace is when you find yourself carried along, when all that's left to do is receive. Grace is when you know you're loved, exactly as you are. Grace is an entirely different way of experiencing life.
- Rob Bell
When you come to the end of yourself, you are at that exact moment in the kind of place where you can fully experience the God who is for you.
- Rob Bell
And now here's the twist, the mystery, the unexpected truth about admitting that takes us back to the counterintuitive power of gospel: When you come to the end of yourself, you are at that exact moment in the kind of place where you can fully experience the God who is for you.
- Rob Bell
Give the gift, and surrender the rest.
- Rob Bell
You embrace your impotence, your powerlessness, your lack of control over the outcomes—you make peace with all that you can't do, with your limits, with all the people you can't help.
- Rob Bell
It is a tremendous freedom to get rid of all self-considerat ion and learn to care about only one thing-the relationship between Christ and ourselves.
- Oswald Chambers
Give your life to God; he can do more with it than you can!
- DL Moody
Much of the Christian religion has largely become "holding on" instead of letting go. But God, it seems to me, does the holding on (to us!), and we must learn the letting go (of everything else).
- Fr. Richard Rohr