Quotes about Surrender
We are not asked to SEE, said Amy. Why need we when we KNOW? We know--not the answer to the inevitable Why, but the incontestable fact that it is for the best. It is an irreparable loss, but is it faith at all if it is 'hard to trust' when things are entirely bewildering?
- Elisabeth Elliot
Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now.
- Elisabeth Elliot
My heart was saying, Lord, take away this longing, or give me that for which I long. The Lord was answering, I must teach you to long for something better.
- Elisabeth Elliot
You can never lose what you have offered to Christ.
- Elisabeth Elliot
If God gave it to me, we say it's mine. I can do what I want with it. No. The truth is that it is ours to thank Him for and ours to offer back to Him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of - if we want to find our true selves, if we want real Life, if our hearts are set on glory.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Is the distinction between living for Christ and dying for Him so great? Is not the second the logical conclusion of the first?
- Elisabeth Elliot
Jesus loved the will of His Father. He embraced the limitations, the necessities, the conditions, the very chains of His humanity as He walked and worked here on earth, fulfilling moment by moment His divine commission and the stern demands of His incarnation. Never was there a word or even a look of complaint.
- Elisabeth Elliot
He says no in order that He may, in some way we cannot imagine, say yes. All His ways with us are merciful. His meaning is always love.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Some of God's greatest mercies are in his refusals. He says no in order that he may, in some way we cannot imagine, say yes.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God is God. If He is God, He is worthy of my worship and my service. I will find rest nowhere but in His will, and that will is infinitely, immeasurably, unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Whatever is in the cup that God is offering to me, whether it be pain and sorrow and suffering and grief along with the many more joys, I'm willing to take it because I trust Him.
- Elisabeth Elliot
How long Lord must I wait? Nevermind child, trust me.
- Elisabeth Elliot