Quotes about Surrender
You rest in God, not in outcomes.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
It is the things that you cannot do anything about and the things that you cannot do anything with that do something with you.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Life is not about me; it is about God, and God is about love. When we don't know love, when we don't experience love, when we experience only the insecurity and fragility of the small self, we become restless.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Any attempt to engineer or plan your own enlightenment is doomed to failure because it will be ego driven. You will only see what you have already decided to look for, and you cannot see what you are not ready or told to look for. So failure and humiliation force you to look where you never would otherwise. . . . So we must stumble and fall, I'm sorry to say.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The spiritual life is always about letting go of unnecessary baggage so that we're prepared for death's final letting go.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
So Jesus pulls no punches, saying you must "hate" your home base in some way and make choices beyond it.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
There is a deeper voice of God, which you must learn to hear and obey in the second half of life. It will sound an awful lot like the voices of risk, of trust, of surrender, of soul, of "common sense," of destiny, of love, of an intimate stranger, of your deepest self, of soulful "Beatrice.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
As my father, St. Francis, put it, when the heart is pure, "Love responds to Love alone" and has little to do with duty, obligation, requirement, or heroic anything. It is easy to surrender when you know that nothing but Love and Mercy is on the other side.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
In fact, I would say what makes so much religion so innocuous, ineffective, and even unexciting is that there has seldom been a concrete "decision to turn our lives over to the care of God," even in many people who go to church, temple, or mosque. I have been in religious circles all my life and usually find willfulness run rampant in monasteries, convents, chancery offices, and among priests and prelates, ordinary laity, and at church meetings.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
We have been graced for a truly sweet surrender, if we can radically accept being radically accepted—for nothing! "Or grace would not be grace at all"! (Romans 11:6).
- Fr. Richard Rohr
All the emptying out is only for the sake of a Great Outpouring.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
You are in a position of total powerlessness, and your ego is fighting it. All you can do is surrender and enter into this dance of unhindered dialogue, this circle of praise, this web of communion that we call the Blessed Trinity.
- Fr. Richard Rohr