Quotes about Destiny
The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. PROVERBS 16:9
- Charles Swindoll
When God puts His hand on a plain, ordinary person whom He has destined for leadership, that person is given mountain-matching abilities, whether he be a Roosevelt, a Lincoln, a Nehemiah-or a person like you or me.
- Charles Swindoll
Everything that happens to me is designed to better prepare me for serving others, everything!
- Charles Swindoll
What if he is the one who brought her to me?
- Chris Fabry
You once said a man's life is a series of choices. Small decisions made every day that don't seem to matter. That nobody notices but you, if you even notice. Over time, those decisions are like raindrops, falling and filling the stream of a life. You believed the big choices were made in the small ones. If I had chosen differently in a thousand ways, maybe I wouldn't be here.
- Chris Fabry
God puts every one of us here for a purpose. There's some pull on our lives that draws us toward that purpose, and the farther we go away from it, the more unhappy we are. The closer we get, the more we yearn and desire it.
- Chris Fabry
You cannot plan for love. You cannot choose against it once it has come.
- Chris Fabry
God will take us where we have not planned to go in order to produce in us what we could not achieve on our own.
- Timothy Lane
What God has begun in you, he will complete. Your destiny has already been decided. The One who decided it will give you all you need to get there.
- Timothy Lane
If you are a Christian, you do not need to try to discover your purpose. Rather, it is in experiencing God that your purpose will be made known. Experience God, and you will experience your purpose. Know God, and you will know your destiny.
- Tony Evans
Your calling is the customized life purpose God has ordained and equipped you to accomplish in order to bring Him the greatest glory and achieve the maximum expansion of His kingdom.
- Tony Evans
Here is another indication, then, that divine election is to service and not eternal life.
- Tony Evans