Quotes about Destiny
Sometimes luck put a man in the right place at the right time. Sometimes, a good friend. But more often than not, Daniel mused, it was the providence of God and His never-ending grace.
- Rachel Hauck
I feel like the journey of the past ten, twelve years was leading me to this moment. Being worthy of you.
- Rachel Hauck
I chose you because the One who beckoned me to follow Him also chose you. For me.
- Rachel Hauck
God told you to leave that trunk in the basement for me?" Incredulous. Doubt. Awe. "I think He did. I believe He did. And you found it. And you wore it.
- Rachel Hauck
Charlotte read the preprinted slip. Redeemed. $1,000. She whirled around. "Wait, sir, excuse me, but how did you know . . ." But he was gone. Along with the crowd and the hum of voices. Charlotte stood completely alone except for the battered trunk and the glittering swirl in the air.
- Rachel Hauck
No use denying it. God was up to something.
- Rachel Hauck
God was like that, wasn't he? Dreaming big dreams for those he loved.
- Rachel Hauck
I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.
- Ralph Abernathy
Work and acquire, and thou hast chained the wheel of Chance.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
To believe in luck - is skepticism.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
America is another name for opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine providence on behalf of the human race.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson