Quotes about Destiny
He empowers us to be what he calls us to be.
- Max Lucado
Like Joseph, you've been dumped into the pit. And, like Joseph, you choose to heed the call of God on your life. It's not easy. You're tempted to get even. But you choose instead to ponder your destiny.
- Max Lucado
She couldn't alter the past but this was her chance to change the future.
- Max Lucado
God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
- Max Lucado
God never prefabs or mass-produces people. No slapdash shaping. "I make all things new," he declares (Rev. 21:5 NKJV). He didn't hand you your granddad's bag or your aunt's life; he personally and deliberately packed you. . .
- Max Lucado
God has a great race for you to run. Under his care you will go where you've never been and serve in ways you've never dreamed.
- Max Lucado
You'll go nowhere tomorrow that I haven't already been.
- Max Lucado
Joseph's story just parted company with the volumes of self-help books and all the secret-to-success formulas that direct the struggler to an inner power (dig deeper). Joseph's story points elsewhere (look higher).
- Max Lucado
You will never go where God is not.
- Max Lucado
No more Bethesda for you. No more waking up and going to sleep in the same mess. God dismantled the neutral gear from your transmission. He is the God of forward motion, the God of tomorrow. He is ready to write a new chapter in your biography.
- Max Lucado
No life is too short or too long. You will live your prescribed number of days. You might change the quality of your days but not the quantity.
- Max Lucado
God's gifts and God's call are under full warranty— never canceled
- Max Lucado