Quotes about Character
We shall find that the spheres God brings us into are not meant to teach us something but to make us something.
- Oswald Chambers
A disciple is one who thinks, feels and acts like Jesus Christ. It is being conformed to the image of Christ as Romans 8:28-29 states-that God's No.1 purpose in our lives is to make us like Jesus.
- Rick Warren
Integrity... does not mean sinless, but it does describe a person who by God's grace "sin less."
- Sam Storms
Names can be a doorway into knowing who a person is, and that is certainly true of God. A study of His names is a study of who He is and will be for you.
- David Jeremiah
God is worthy of my loving obedience because of who He is, not because of what he does.
- Jerry Bridges
Godly character flows out of devotion to God and practically confirms the reality of that devotion.
- Jerry Bridges
When you go through difficult times...recognize that God is refining you, knocking off some of your rough edges.
- Joel Osteen
When we don't take God too seriously, others don't take our leadership too seriously!
- Beth Moore
We wonder why we don't have faith; the answer is, faith is confidence in the character of God and if we don't know what kind of God God is, we can't have faith.
- AW Tozer
Laws are essential emanations from the self-poised character of God; they radiate from the sun to the circling edge of creation. Verily, the mighty Lawgiver hath subjected himself unto laws.
- Theodore Roosevelt
God is like us to this extent, that whatever in us is good is like God.
- Henry Ward Beecher
God would prefer we have an occasional limp than a perpetual strut.
- Max Lucado