Quotes about Character
Proverbs 23:7 says that as a person thinks in his heart, so is he.
- Joyce Meyer
Are you conducting yourself properly so that when the world looks at you it sees God's character? Ask God to help you be a good witness at all times.
- Joyce Meyer
character simply by listening to their conversation. The more loving our words and actions are toward others, the more loving and kind our thoughts will be.
- Joyce Meyer
That is exactly why we must keep a right heart attitude if we want God to continue to use us. There is a great responsibility to leadership. There is moreto ministry than just standing up in front of people and exercising spiritual gifts. Our lives must be right behind the scenes. We must always be on our guard against presumption. Presumption
- Joyce Meyer
The greatest hindrance to spiritual maturity is walking according to our emotions instead of purposely choosing to do the right thing.
- Joyce Meyer
It's what we do behind the scenes that affects the power and anointing we carry out in public.
- Joyce Meyer
Just because we are anointed for leadership does not mean that we get to move immediately into a position of leadership. There is a work that has to be done in us, a testing that has to take place first. Later, we will look at some of the tests of the heart of a leader that we must go through before we get promoted. After
- Joyce Meyer
Character is doing what you don't want to do, but know you should do. There's plenty of room and company on the broad road, but it's not easy to walk on that narrow path.
- Joyce Meyer
May 30 word: Example People believe a lot more of what they see you do than what they hear you do. That's why it is important that we take the responsibility to set a good, Biblical example. How we live in front of people and even behind closed doors at home is essential to being an effective witness.
- Joyce Meyer
God desires that we become like Jesus in all of our ways, working with the Holy Spirit toward spiritual maturity and godly character.
- Joyce Meyer
Matthew 5:41 says to go the extra mile—don't just do what you have to do. I believe the Lord has caused me to know that real excellence is to do the more excellent thing even when nobody is looking—even when nobody is around to reward us, notice us, or recognize us as exceptional people.
- Joyce Meyer
Doing the right thing once or even a few times does not equal success, but habitually doing right will produce a life worth living. It may not be easy, but it will be worth the effort. The person who never gives up always sees victory.
- Joyce Meyer