Quotes about Character
Heroes rarely look the way we draw them in our minds: attractive, imposing figures with rippling muscles and strong chins. More times than not they are humble beings, small and flawed. It is only their spirits that are beautiful and strong.
- Richard Paul Evans
A man's worth isn't measured by a bank register or diploma... It's about integrity
- Richard Paul Evans
I have learned that real angels don't have gossamer white robes and Cherubic skin, they have calloused hands and smell of the days' sweat.
- Richard Paul Evans
It is not the ability to walk that pleases God, it is the desire to walk. The desire to do the right thing. The truest measure of a man is what he desires. The measure of that desire is seen in the actions that follow.
- Richard Paul Evans
I've found that when someone is beautiful on the outside, but spiritually dark inside, all that outer beauty is just lipstick on a pig. ~Zeke
- Richard Paul Evans
The most important story we will ever write in our life is our own -- not with ink, but with our daily choices.
- Richard Paul Evans
You can tell a lot about a man by watching how he treats those he doesn't have to be nice to.
- Richard Paul Evans
I wish to be an "I" no longer. I reject my "I." My desire is to be a "He." "When He is revealed, we shall be like Him" (1 John 3:2).
- Richard Wurmbrand
God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love
- Richard Wurmbrand
To believe in Him is not such a great thing. To become like Him is truly great.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Our habits control our lives. We shape our habits; then our habits shape us.
- Rick Warren
your character is the sum total of your habits. You can't claim to be kind unless you are habitually kind — you show kindness without even thinking about it. You can't claim to have integrity unless it is your habit to always be honest.
- Rick Warren