Quotes about Character
Marriage is more than finding the right person…it is being the right person!
- Elizabeth George
Our actions, habits, character, and future are most definitely affected by our thoughts.
- Elizabeth George
The more time you spend with God, the more you will resemble Him.
- Elizabeth George
God values Christian character, which shines in positive, outward conduct. Fashion your heart after Jesus.
- Elizabeth George
God's Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory.
- Elizabeth George
Little choices determine habit; Habit carves and molds character Which makes the big decisions.
- Elizabeth George
Make it your goal to employ the sweet speech that marks you as a wife after God's own heart.
- Elizabeth George
One of God's high callings for His people is that they be teachers of good things.
- Elizabeth George
Every act and choice you make is creating the real you and shaping your real life.
- Elizabeth George
We must look to God for His grace and His power to perfect godly qualities in our lives.
- Elizabeth George
Wisdom is an ornament of grace to the soul.
- Elizabeth George
Nurture the qualities in yourself that you desire in your friends.
- Elizabeth George