Quotes about Description
No charm, no humor, no wit -- and a personality which can only be described as 'icky.' .
- Conan O'Brien
Have you ever thought about Jesus' physical appearance? If you think about the paintings, he was a relatively handsome Dutchman. But if you think about a prophetic description, "he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him" (Isaiah 53:2). To put it diplomatically, he didn't look like much, and sleepless nights filled with prayer vigils probably didn't help.
- Edward Welch
No one who is not a Christian in spirit can perform the Christian act; and the Sermon on the Mount is not a code of rules to be mechanically followed; it is the description of the life which any man will spontaneously lead when once the Spirit of Christ has taken complete possession of his heart.
- William Temple
So when we talk about God we're using language, language that employs a vast array of words and phrases and forms to describe a reality that is fundamentally beyond words and phrases and forms.
- Rob Bell
For the absurd man, it is not a matter of explaining and solving, but of experiencing and describing. Everything begins with lucid indifference.
- Albert Camus
It's a pretty crazy task to try to describe God "quickly." Everything starts with a healthy fear of Him.
- Francis Chan
There is a power in God's gospel beyond all description.
- Charles Spurgeon