Quotes about Belief
Miracles are the by-product of prayers that were prayed by you or for you. And that should be all the motivation you need to pray.
- Mark Batterson
If God is for us, it doesn't matter what comes against us. Without Him, we can do nothing. With Him, we can do all things.
- Mark Batterson
If you take thirty linear steps, you're ninety feet from where you started. But if you take thirty exponential steps, you've circled the earth twenty-six times!2 Faith isn't linear. Faith is exponential.
- Mark Batterson
We can't just know what we believe; we need to know why we believe what we believe.
- Mark Batterson
For the place God calls us into isn't doubt free—how can any place where we walk by faith and not by sight be that? No, the holy wild is where we have driving and haunting doubts, God-hungry doubts that pull us to our knees, force us to the Word, make us wrestle all night and not let go until He blesses us. The holy wild throngs with true skeptics.
- Mark Buchanan
To be a missionary you don't have to cross the sea, you just have to see the cross.
- Mark Cahill
Our faith doesn't magically make our assumptions about Jesus and the Bible true. Faith can't turn a falsehood into truth. Rightly understood, it's not a blind belief in the unbelievable; it's a rational belief based on a preponderance of evidence.
- Mark Clark
Don't walk away at the first sign of a contradiction or a problem. Sometimes scientific study needs to play catch-up to the Bible.
- Mark Clark
If you're going to make up stories about miracles and events that you are claiming really happened, you have to wait until all the eyewitnesses are dead and gone.
- Mark Clark
How often have we turned on the television and heard the host say, "Tonight we will be talking about faith versus science. Our first guest is a former University of Oxford professor, evolutionary biologist, and bestselling author. He believes that science, not faith, holds the answers to all questions. On the other side of the aisle we have Joe Smith, who will speak for the legitimacy of faith and Christianity. Joe homeschools his kids, thinks Oprah is the Antichrist,
- Mark Clark
We are humble because we know we are not the power in salvation. We are obedient because we know we possess the light.
- Mark Dever
Too often Christians today have only two gears on their theological bike: essential and unimportant.
- Mark Dever