Quotes about Belief
The Holy Spirit is promised of God to be given to us, to do this work (of mortification). The taking away of the stony heart, that is, the stubborn, proud, rebelliuos, unbelieving heart, is, in general, the workd of mortification that we treat of.
- John Owen
They will readily change truth for error, who find no more sweetness in the one than in the other.
- John Owen
We can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
- John Owen
To kill sin is the work of living men; where men are dead (as all unbelievers, the best of them, are dead), sin is alive, and will live" (chapter 7). Oh, the pastoral insights that emerge from Owen! As here: If you are fighting sin, you are alive. Take heart.
- John Owen
Our belief of the Scriptures to be the word of God, or a divine revelation, and our understanding of the mind and will of God as revealed in them, are the two springs of all our interest in Christian religion. From them are all those streams of light and truth derived whereby our souls are watered, refreshed, and made fruitful unto God.
- John Owen
Always be. Never try to become. You can be anything you want, just don't work at becoming. Remember to be it.
- John Perkins
Hope bases vast premises upon foolish accidents and reads a word where, in fact, only a scribble exists.
- John Updike
Walking toward the light. None of us lives in the light; we can only walk toward it, with the eyes and legs God has given us.
- John Updike
Die christliche Sitte, träge aufrecht dazusitzen wie bei einer Unterhaltungsveranstaltung, deutet darauf hin, dass Gott als Unterhaltungskünstler gilt, der von der Bühne entfernt und durch eine andere Nummer ersetzt werden kann, wenn er nicht mehr unterhält.
- John Updike
Not until midlife did she truly believe that she had a right to exist, that the forces of nature had created her not as an afterthought and companion - a bent rib, as the infamous Malleus Maleficarum had it - but as the mainstay of the continuing Creation, as the daughter of a daughter and a woman whose daughters in turn would bear daughters.
- John Updike
If I were ever prosecuted for my religion, I truly hope there would be enough evidence to convict me.
- John Wooden
In game play it was always my philosophy that patience would win out. By that, I meant patience to follow our game plan. If we believed in it, we would wear the opposition down and would eventually get to them. If we broke away from our style, however, and played their style, we would be in trouble. And if we let our emotions, rather than our reason, command the game we would not function effectively.
- John Wooden