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Quotes about Darkness

And to 'scape stormy days, I choose an everlasting night.
- John Donne
The covenant relationship between Yahweh and Israel and the way Yahweh shone his light of blessing in Israel's life was designed to become a revelation to other peoples, a means of opening their eyes and releasing them from darkness.
- John Goldingay
And so a man's heart, driven into the darker regions of the soul, denied the very things he most deeply desires, comes out in darker places.
- John Eldredge
All the stories we've been telling about the presence of an evil power in the world, all the dark characters that have sent chills down our spines and given us restless nights—they are spoken to us as warnings. There is evil cast around us...there is an evil force in this world.
- John Eldredge
If one of you is walking through a dark valley personally of course it affects the marriage. But it is not about the marriage.
- John Eldredge
Jesus said nothing about pillows and comfortable retirement. He launched the invasion of the kingdom of God into a world held by darkness. He invites you to join him in living in that startling, dangerous, and beautiful Story.
- John Eldredge
When we are in the darkness, we begin to feel like we have always been there. But it is not true. David reminds himself that God has been faithful in the past; God will be faithful again. He urges himself to put his hope in God because the morning will come.
- John Eldredge
Joel 2:30—31:   I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
- John Hagee
Save me from curious conscience, that still hoards Its strength for darkness, burrowing like the mole; Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, And seal the hushed casket of my soul.
- John Keats
In order to know the light, we must first experience the darkness.
- Carl Jung
Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.
- Barbara Johnson
Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.
- Mother Teresa