Quotes about Darkness
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
- JRR Tolkien
What has light to do with darkness, Marianne? What has Satan to do with God? Those are questions that Second Corinthians asks us and that you must ask yourself. You're a special being because Christ indwells you. I don't care how charming or handsome Mr Jennings is, you're not alike in the way that truly counts.
- Lori Wick
This is the residue of sin on planet earth. Things are broken. People are hurting. The night is here. Darkness is upon us. Yet shining in the night is a Savior, and He has come to shine on you.
- Louie Giglio
Then said the giant, Thou practices the craft of a kidnapper. Thou gatherest up woman and children and carriest them into a strange country, to the weakening of my master's kingdom. But now Great-Heart replied, I am a servant of the God of Heaven; my business is to persuade sinners of repentance. I am commanded to do my endeavor to turn men, women and children, fro darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God.
- John Bunyan
We should not take lightly the horrible thoughts this place of death and destruction are meant to unveil. We are warned about the misery of death and Hell and should reflect upon its timeless torments and endless darkness in which men grope hopelessly for some relief that they are fully persuaded no longer exists. 8.
- John Bunyan
How sinful you are, oh sleep! Because of you my journey which should have been in the light has been overtaken by the night! I must walk without the sun. Darkness covers the path of my feet, and now I must listen to noises of miserable creatures, all because of my sinful sleep!
- John Bunyan
My great desire in my fulfilling my ministry was to get into the darkest places of the country, even amongst those people that were farthest off of profession; yet not because I could not endure the light (for I feared not to show my gospel to any)
- John Bunyan
As the saying of the wise says, 'All this world promotes is vanity.' (But if a man lives many years and rejoices in them all; yet if afterwards he remembers the days of darkness, for they shall be many, he shall say that everything that shall have happened to him is vanity. — Eccles. 11:8)
- John Bunyan
But methinks, I see by this, that Satan will use any means to keep the soul from Christ; he loveth not an awakened frame of spirit; security, blindness, darkness, and error, is the very kingdom and habitation of the wicked one.
- John Bunyan
The night was starless and very dark. Without doubt, in the gloom some mighty angel was standing, with outstretched wings, awaiting the soul.
- Victor Hugo
That talked about loving either darkness or loving light, and how hard it is to love light and how easy it is to love darkness. I think that is true. Ultimately, we do what we love to do. I like to think that I do things for the right reasons, but I don't, I do things because I do or don't love doing them. Because of sin, because I am self-addicted, living in the wreckage of the fall, my body, my heart, and my affections are prone to love things that kill me.
- Donald Miller
I know now, from experience, that the path to joy winds through this dark valley. I think every well-adjusted human being has dealt squarely with his or her own depravity.
- Donald Miller