Quotes about Sanders
Sanders argued, basically, that the normal Christian, and especially Protestant, readings of Paul were seriously flawed, because they attributed to first-century Judaism theological views which belonged rather to medieval Catholicism. Once we described Judaism accurately, Sanders argued, we were forced to rethink Paul's critique of it, and his whole positive theology in its turn.
- NT Wright
A good test of the appropriateness of a joke is whether the humor controls us or we control it.
- J. Oswald Sanders
For most Democrats, the topic is both touchy and distasteful. It's one thing to rob from the rich but quite another to rob from the poorest of the poor. Some of the Democratic primary support for Bernie Sanders was undoubtedly due to Democrats' distaste over the financial shenanigans of the Clintons. Probably these Democrats considered the Clintons to be unduly grasping and opportunistic, an embarrassment to the great traditions of the Democratic Party.
- Dinesh D'Souza
There is no disagreement between us [with Bernie Sanders ] on universal coverage for health care, the disagreement is where do we start from and where do we end up.
- Hillary Clinton