Quotes about Submission
God is asking for that abandonment of man to Himself which says, "We pour all at Thy feet, and if Thou shouldst crown us, we would rejoice, but only that a crown was ours to cast at the feet of Christ." When men reach that point, greed has gone out of their service.
- G Campbell Morgan
We can assume that when the Bible teaches submission, God knew full well that wives would have to watch their husbands fail and make mistakes. Thankfully, this verse also presents some boundaries. If you submit "out of reverence for Christ," you are never obligated — ever — to do anything that would offend Christ.
- Gary Thomas
Start these conversations with questions that seek understanding, not with accusations that seek submission.
- Gary Thomas
Paul urges us to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This puts prayer on a far higher plane than mere intercession. It marks prayer as the heart of our devotion, the constant awareness of God's presence, our consistent submission to his will, and our frequent expressions of adoration and praise.
- Gary Thomas
The church must not teach the submission of wives apart from the sacrificial love and servanthood required of husbands.
- Gary Thomas
What is it, Lord?" What am I holding back? What am I using as an excuse for not serving You in whatever You want me to do?" And then, there by the canal, I finally had my answer. My "yes" to God had always been a "yes, but." Yes, but I'm not educated. Yes, but I'm lame. With the next breath, I did say "Yes." I said it in a brand-new way, without qualification. "I'll go, Lord
- Brother Andrew
But in a real Christian partnership, one member's guidance is always submitted to the other's for correction and confirmation.
- Brother Andrew
Scripture tells us to submit to governing authorities. That's a valid command—most of the time. However, when we fear God, there comes a time when we must resist human government and yield to a higher authority. Government is given to protect the good and to punish the bad (see Romans 13:3). When government protects the bad and punishes the good, then our submission to legal authority may have to end. This becomes the source of persecution for righteousness' sake.
- Brother Andrew
Whenever, wherever, however You want me, I'll go. And I'll begin this very minute. Lord, as I stand up from this place, and as I take my first step forward, will You consider this is a step toward complete obedience to You? I'll call it the step of yes.
- Brother Andrew
It's better to obey God rather than men.
- Brother Andrew
Lord, if you show me the way, I will follow You.
- Brother Andrew
Sometimes I consider myself there as a stone before a carver, whereof he is to make a statue; presenting myself thus before GOD, I desire Him to form His perfect image in my soul, and make me entirely like Himself.
- Brother Lawrence