Quotes about Submission
The believer's job was to come to God with a surrendered heart. To come empty-handed every morning not to get what you wanted but to receive all of who He was and what He wanted for you.
- Chris Fabry
There may be a hundred reasons that a husband is not fulfilling his role as the head of the home. But a wife who rebels against her head is only introducing a new element of spiritual sickness and dysfunction into the family.
- Tony Evans
Meekness is not weakness. Meekness simply means submitting your power to a higher Control—it means submitting yourself to God's kingdom rule.
- Tony Evans
a man is defined biblically as "a male who has learned to submit his maleness to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Tony Evans
In God's economy, the way up the ladder is down it. The rise to celebrity starts on your knees with a basin, a towel, and a humble heart.
- Tony Evans
Surrender is admitting that God's plan is better.
- Tony Evans
Jack Taylor put it this way: "an idol is something you have to check with before you say yes to God".
- Kris Vallotton
James 4:6: "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
- Kris Vallotton
Trials are designed to help us determine who our master will be, whom we will trust, who our Lord will be and which kingdom we will put our faith in.
- Kris Vallotton
Submission is not an occasional event. It is a lifestyle. It isn't a negative obligation on women, but the natural outworking of the gospel in every Christian's life. Submission is an attribute of Jesus, so it ought to show up in all of his followers.
- Carolyn Custis James
Never talk about submission without talking about Jesus, and in particular of the cross. Jesus' version of submission is thoughtful, strong, purposeful, and sacrificial. It involves the full and determined embrace of his Father's will (which governs everything Jesus does)3 and the voluntary pouring out of his life to rescue a lost world.4 Submission is both. It is redemptive. It is the gospel. It is a way of showing Jesus to the world.
- Carolyn Custis James
Jesus' definition of submission isn't about giving in to the whims and wishes of others. It is rather about giving out from the completeness we have in him and our passion for his kingdom. The submission Jesus models is gospel centered, for he was aligning himself with God's purposes and pouring himself out to rescue a lost humanity (Philippians 2:3-9). Submission for us follows that same trajectory of putting the interests of others ahead of ourselves...
- Carolyn Custis James