Quotes about Submission
It must be God first, God second, and God third
- Oswald Chambers
I don't mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated
- Anais Nin
The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain: this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey, in the absence, or in the teeth, of inclination.
- CS Lewis
I want to so live that God doesn't have to have to give me one minute's
- Leonard Ravenhill
Let us be what God likes, so long as we are His, and let us not be what we want to be, if it is against his intention.
- Francis de Sales
Christianity was simple: fight your desires in order to please God.
- Francis Chan
Only when we have done all we knew to do can we wait by faith for God to do what only He can do.
- James MacDonald
Every moment I live, I live bowed to something. And if I don't see God, I'll bow down before something else.
- Ann Voskamp
In cold and heat, in rain and wind, the soul united to God says, "I want it to be warm, to be cold, windy, to rain, because God wills it."
- Alphonsus Liguori
Radical obedience always gives priority to what God has said over what He hasn't said.
- Bill Johnson
It matters not to me what I do, or what I suffer, so long as I abide loveingly united to God's will - that is my whole business.
- Brother Lawrence
We do not come to God as bad people trying to become good people; we come as rebels to lay down our arms.
- CS Lewis