Quotes about Submission
When led of the Spirit, the child of God must be as ready to wait as to go, as prepared to be silent as to speak.
- Lewis Sperry Chafer
When we oppose God's delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.
- John Bevere
Most Christians don't hear God's voice because we've already decided we aren't going to do what He says.
- AW Tozer
Prayer is not a convenient device for imposing our will upon God, or bending his will to ours, but the prescribed way of subordinating our will to his.
- John Stott
If the text is God's Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience.
- DA Carson
When man thinks in self-conscious submission to the voluntary revelation of the self-sufficient God, he has therewith the only possible ground of certainty for his knowledge.
- Cornelius Van Til
We don't get to decide who God is.
- Francis Chan
Everything is from God himself, both commandment and fulfillment. He alone commands; he alone fulfills.
- Martin Luther
God can never entrust His Kingdom to anyone who has not been broken of pride, for pride is the armour of darkness itself.
- Francis Frangipane
Never take your obedience as the reason God blesses you; obedience is the outcome of being rightly related to God.
- Oswald Chambers
Thy way, not mine, O Lord, however dark it be; lead me by thine own hand; choose out the path for me.
- Horatius Bonar
We must settle in our hearts that no matter what, God is sovereign.
- Beth Moore