Quotes about Honesty
The truth is rarely pure
- Oscar Wilde
thing we ask a servant for is a testimonial to honesty, sobriety and industry; for we soon find out that these are the scarce things, and that geniuses and clever people are as common as rats.
- Oscar Wilde
High performance teams master the art of straight talk. They have learned how to confront issues and address behaviors without attacking or provoking one another.
- Pat MacMillan
Our behavior may be the most critical factor used by others in their decision to "lend" trust to us, as our actions reflect our character. When we honor our commitments and do what we say we will do, others will be inclined to deposit their trust with us.
- Pat MacMillan
Trust is earned (more realistically it is lent) every time leaders do what they say they will do, do it with excellence, and do
- Pat MacMillan
Teach me neither to proffer nor receive cheap praise.
- Dale Carnegie
Use what language you will,' said Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'you can never say anything but what you are.
- Dale Carnegie
If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
- Dale Carnegie
We are much more forgiving of those who are willing to come clean right away.
- Dale Carnegie
Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
- Dale Carnegie
most people will react favorably to your proposals if they feel that you admire them for being honest, unselfish, and fair.
- Dale Carnegie
Flattery is counterfeit, and like counterfeit money, it will eventually get you into trouble if you pass it to someone else. The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned.
- Dale Carnegie