Quotes about Honesty
How can we be loved if we are always in hiding?
- Donald Miller
Then, Paul remembered a Bible verse from 1 John. He said that John, in summarizing all that he'd learned about God, said this: "God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all." "When you are with God," Paul said, "there is no darkness, ho hiding, no pretending. When you are with God, you have the freedom and courage to be yourself.
- Donald Miller
Work on your character and a good life will come to you.
- Donald Miller
If honesty is the key to intimacy, it means we don't have to be perfect and, moreover, we don't have to pretend to be perfect.
- Donald Miller
Paul was terribly personal. The books I like are the ones that make you feel like you are with a person who is being quite vulnerable, telling you all sorts of stuff that is personal, and that's the thing Paul did that makes me like him.
- Donald Miller
It's true the manipulator is the loneliest person in the world. And the second loneliest is the person being manipulated. Unless we're honest with each other, we can't connect. We can't be intimate. Only God can penetrate a manipulative person's heart, and even then, he sits quietly, waiting for them to stop running their con.
- Donald Miller
Having integrity is about being the same person on the inside that we are on the outside, and if we don't have integrity, life becomes exhausting. I wonder how many people get tempted by the gains they can make by playing a role, only to pay for those temptations in public isolation.
- Donald Miller
kids with parents who are honest about their shortcomings seem to do better in life. What I mean is parents who aren't trying to be perfect or pretend they're perfect have kids who trust and respect them more. It's as though vulnerability and openness act as the soil that fosters security. And I'd say that's the quality I most often sense in the children of honest, open parents. I sense security.
- Donald Miller
They will respect you for being honest. Having a "buy now" or "schedule a call" button on your website makes sure they always understand the kind of relationship you are inviting them into.
- Donald Miller
Our sales funnels should invite people into a journey that never attempts to trick or coerce them to make a decision they will later regret.
- Donald Miller
An amazing things happens when we are honest and vulnerable. We allow people to know and love us. We also allow people to reject us, and that can sometimes hurt. But the truth is, they would have rejected us anyway. It's just that it would have taken a little more time.
- Donald Miller
Paul paused again, and then he opened up. He confirmed that, indeed, the defining characteristic of their family was honesty and vulnerability. "There are no shadows in our family," Paul said. "We don't hide anything. But that's a tough place to get to. It takes work and it's painful.
- Donald Miller