Quotes about Sincerity
See, then, the nature of pure and genuine religion. It consists in faith, united with a serious fear of God, comprehending a voluntary reverence, and producing legitimate worship agreeable to the injunctions of the law. And this requires to be the more carefully remarked, because men in general render to God a formal worship, but very few truly reverence him; while great ostentation in ceremonies is universally displayed, but sincerity of heart is rarely to be found.
- John Calvin
Men will never worship God with a sincere heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with sufficient zeal until they properly understand how much they are indebted to His mercy.
- John Calvin
All those who go around draped with a false sanctimoniousness do it by the devil's prodding; because no one can worship God rightly with outward ceremonies, for true worshipers adore him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
- John Calvin
And swearNo whereLives a woman true, and fair.
- John Donne
There is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes.
- CS Lewis
No man can be merry unless he is serious.
- GK Chesterton
Flattery is saying something nice in order to help yourself. Encouragement is saying something true in order help someone else.
- Kevin DeYoung
It must not content us to take our bodies to church if we leave our hearts at home.
- JC Ryle
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.
- Mother Teresa
Don't worry about having the right words; worry more about having the right heart. It's not eloquence he seeks, just honesty.
- Max Lucado
To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.
- Charles Dickens
Honesty: The best of all the lost arts.
- Mark Twain