Quotes about Wonder
The only things one can admire at length are those one admires without knowing why.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Countless things in our daily lives can awaken the almost constant state of wonder we knew as children. But sometimes to see them we must look through a different set of eyes.
- Arianna Huffington
the world can give you these glimpses as well as fairy tales can--the smell of rain, the dazzle of sun on white clapboard with the shadows of ferns and wash on the line, the wildness of a winter storm when in the house the flame of a candle doesn't even flicker.
- Frederick Buechner
Sitting there in the Alabama winter with my mouth full of cold turnip and mud, I could see at least for a moment how if you ever took truly to heart the ultimate goodness and joy of things, even at their bleakest, the need to praise someone or something for it would be so great that you might even have to go out and speak of it to the birds of the air.
- Frederick Buechner
Man is incurably curious.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
The only things one can admire at length are those one admires without knowing why.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
If you accept my thesis that the universe and this earth are the most outrageous miracles by an infinite margin, then you will understand that simply for us to exist requires a miracle.
- Eric Metaxas
If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child.
- Frederick Buechner
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
- Albert Einstein
If he be a stranger in the world, that knows not the things that are in it; why not be a stranger as well, that wonders at the the things that are done in it?
- Marcus Aurelius
The essence of Ciceronian philosophy is a sense of wonder at the interconnectedness of human beings to one another and to the universe that encompasses them.
- Cicero