Quotes about Shaping
The Psalms are not only poetry in themselves; they are to be the cause of poetry in those who sing them, together and individually. They are God's gifts to us so that we can be shaped as his gift to the world.
- NT Wright
It is not the thing we spend the most time on that moulds us most; the greatest element is the thing that exerts most power.
- Oswald Chambers
And we begin to see that the compelling purpose of God lies behind everything in life, and that God is divinely shaping us into oneness with that purpose. A Christian is someone who trusts in the knowledge and the wisdom of God, not in his own abilities.
- Oswald Chambers
God is rescuing fallen humanity, transporting them into his kingdom, and progressively shaping them into his likeness—and he wants you to be a part of it.
- Paul David Tripp
He shapes the hearts of each; He considers all their works.
- Psalm 33:15
But the vessel that he was shaping from the clay became flawed in his hand; so he formed it into another vessel, as it seemed best for him to do.
- Jeremiah 18:4
Our children are too precious and their time with us too short for us to neglect the unspeakable privilege we have in loving them, nurturing them, shaping them, and preparing them to step out into the wide world.
- David Jeremiah
Mind is the Master power that molds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:— He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass.
- James Allen
Mind is the master power that molds and makes, And we are Mind, and evermore we take The tool of thought, and shaping what we will, Bring forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. We think in secret, and it comes to pass — Our world is but our looking glass. — JAMES ALLEN
- James Allen
Mind is the Master-power that moulds and makes. And Man is Mind and evermore he takes The Tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills :— He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass ; Environment is but his looking-glass.
- James Allen
Cultivating your imagination is vital to shaping your life; and faith is a big part of doing that.
- Terri Savelle Foy
And I knew that the Spirit that had gone forth to shape the world and make it live was still alive in it. I just had no doubt. I could see that I lived in the created world, and it was still being created. I would be part of it forever. There was no escape. The Spirit that made it was in it, shaping it and reshaping it, sometimes lying at rest, sometimes standing up and shaking itself, like a muddy horse, and letting the pieces fly.
- Wendell Berry