Quotes about Bible
But what is real? In the Bible we are constantly being given glimpses of a reality quite different from that taught in school, even in Sunday school. And these glimpses are not given to the qualified; there's the marvel. It may be that the qualified feel no need of them.
- Madeleine L'Engle
It is neglect of the Bible which makes so many a prey to the first false teacher whom they hear.
- JC Ryle
We learn from Hebrews 11:4 that it was by faith that Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice, and his name appears first in the record of those whom the Bible calls believers. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous (Hebrews 11:4).
- Andrew Murray
The Bible does not authorize us, either by the words of the Lord or His apostles, to believe that the gifts of healing were granted only to the early church;
- Andrew Murray
may, notwithstanding, be questioned whether, except his bible, he ever read a book entirely through. Late in life, if any man praised a book in his presence, he was sure to ask, "Did you read it through?" If the answer was in the affirmative, he did not seem willing to believe it.
- Samuel Johnson
To correspond to; to suit with. In water face answereth to face: so the heart of man to man.BibleProv.xxvii. 19.7.
- Samuel Johnson
And the faces of them, which have used abstinence, shall shine above the stars; whereas our faces shall be blacker than darkness.Bible2 Esdras,vii. 55.
- Samuel Johnson
The Bible is not merely informative, the Holy Father went on to say, but "performative." It leads us to an action: the Eucharist, which Jesus meant to be transformative.
- Scott Hahn
Both Christ and Scripture, says the Second Vatican Council, are given for the sake of our salvation (Dei Verbum 11), and both give us God's definitive revelation of himself. We cannot, therefore, conceive of one without the other: the Bible without Jesus, or Jesus without the Bible.
- Scott Hahn
The principle of biblical inerrancy follows logically from this principle of divine authorship. After all, God cannot lie, and he cannot make mistakes. Since the Bible is divinely inspired, it must be without error in everything that its divine and human authors affirm to be true. This means that biblical inerrancy is a mystery even broader in scope than infallibility, which guarantees for us that the Church will always teach the truth concerning faith and morals.
- Scott Hahn
Inerrancy is our guarantee that the words and deeds of God found in the Bible are unified and true, declaring with one voice the wonders of his saving love.
- Scott Hahn
The Bible is very clear that in the last days men will be "lovers of themselves" (2 Tim. 3:2).
- John Bevere