Quotes about Bible
How does the Word memorized become the Word applied? It happens through meditation.
- Donald Whitney
Why do we forget what we read in the Bible? Is it just a poor memory? No, it's a failure to meditate.
- Donald Whitney
The text of the Bible means what God inspired it to mean, not "what it means to
- Donald Whitney
And to the degree we truly comprehend more of God, we will in turn respond to Him more in worship. That's why all worship of God—public, family,[1] and private worship—should be based upon and include much of the Bible.
- Donald Whitney
So the Spiritual Disciplines are those personal and interpersonal activities given by God in the Bible as the sufficient means believers in Jesus Christ are to use in the Spirit-filled, gospel-driven pursuit of godliness, that is, closeness to Christ and conformity to Christ.
- Donald Whitney
To read the Bible and not to meditate was seen as an unfruitful exercise: better to read one chapter and meditate afterward than to read several chapters and not to meditate.
- Donald Whitney
To pray the Bible, you simply go through the passage line by line, talking to God about whatever comes to mind as you read the text.
- Donald Whitney
No Spiritual Discipline is more important than the intake of God's Word. Nothing can substitute for it. There simply is no healthy Christian life apart from a diet of the milk and meat of Scripture.
- Donald Whitney
Thus no other object on earth is as valuable as the Bible, for nothing else can provide anything as essential or eternal.
- Donald Whitney
Some wag remarked that the worst dust storm in history would happen if all church members who were neglecting their Bibles dusted them off simultaneously.
- Donald Whitney
From matters as crucial as the death of Jesus, to those as mundane as eating and drinking, the Bible presents the glory of God as the ultimate priority and the definitive criterion by which we should evaluate everything.
- Donald Whitney
I know the Bible is inspired because it inspires me.
- DL Moody