Quotes about Bible
Expose yourself to Bible-saturated people, both the living and the dead. Their lives and their words are a great help to our joy.
- John Piper
There is no thought in the Bible that Satan had to be paid off to let sinners be saved. What happened to Satan when Christ died was not payment, but defeat.
- John Piper
We must train our people that it is not irreverent to see difficulties in the biblical text and to think hard about how they can be resolved.
- John Piper
The lovers of God's Word praise the preciousness of the Bible and the pleasures it brings. They
- John Piper
The practical effect of this path is that I do not ask you to pray for a special whisper from God to decide if Jesus is real. Rather I ask you to look at the Jesus of the Bible. Look at him. Don't close your eyes and hope for a word of confirmation. Keep your eyes open and fill them with the full portrait of Jesus provided in the Bible. If you come to trust Jesus Christ as the Lord and God, it will be because you see in him a divine glory and excellence that is simply is what it is -- true
- John Piper
When you are tempted to forsake God because of the greatness of evil and misery in the world, may you remember that the BIble has prepared us for this temptation.
- John Piper
The most foundational thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is God's doing. And the ultimate thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is for God's glory. Those are the two points I have to make. Most foundationally, marriage is the doing of God. And ultimately, marriage is the display of God.
- John Piper
This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
- John Wycliffe
The mind will enlarge if it is employed in tracing out the relation of the subjects of the Bible to one another, comparing scripture with scripture, and spiritual things with spiritual.
- Ellen White
You are not to take your ideas to the Bible, and make your opinions a center around which truth is to revolve. You are to lay aside your ideas at the door of investigation, and with humble, subdued hearts, with self hid in Christ, with earnest prayer, you are to seek wisdom from God.—Fundamentals of Christian Education, pp. 307, 308.
- Ellen White
The Bible is the textbook, and it is to be searched diligently—not as we would read a book among many books. It must be to us the book that meets the wants of the soul.
- Ellen White
The lessons of the Bible have a moral and religious influence on the character, as they are brought into the practical life.
- Ellen White