Quotes about Bible
It is man and not the Bible that needs correcting. Greater and more careful scholarship has shown that apparent contradictions were caused by incorrect translations, rather than divine inconsistencies.
- Billy Graham
God will never—never—lead you to do something that is contrary to His written Word, the Bible.
- Billy Graham
Today there are more people who know the words to a television commercial than know the words in the Bible.
- Billy Graham
Every graveyard and every cemetery testify that the Bible is true.
- Billy Graham
Make the Bible part of your daily life, and ask God to engrave its truths on your soul.
- Billy Graham
The serious student of the Bible cannot dismiss homosexual behavior simply as an alternate lifestyle. Nor can it be argued that homosexuals were "born this way" or that such behavior is an illness.
- Billy Graham
From one end of the Bible to the other, God assures us that He will never go back on His promises.
- Billy Graham
The eagle ... can lock its wings and wait for the right wind. He waits for the updraft and never has to flap his wings, just soar. As as we wait on God He will help us use the adversities and strong winds to benefit us. The Bible says, 'They that wait upon the Lord ... shall mount up with wings as eagles' (Isaiah 40:31)
- Billy Graham
Time is running out. The seconds are ticking away toward midnight. The human race is about to take the fatal plunge . . . Is there any authority left? Is there a path we can follow? Can we find a code book that will give us the key to our dilemmas? We do have authoritative source material. It is found in the ancient and historic Book we call the Bible.
- Billy Graham
Come back to the Bible. Begin to read it. Study it and God will speak to you and change you—and through you perhaps history can be changed.
- Billy Graham
Conscience tells us in our innermost being of the presence of God and of the moral difference between good and evil; but this is a fragmentary message, in no way as distinct and comprehensive as the lessons of the Bible.
- Billy Graham
Some of the strongest warnings about judgment in the Bible come from the lips of Jesus.
- Billy Graham