Quotes about Awakening
Morn, wak'd by the circling hours, with rosy hand unbarr'd the gates of light.
- John Milton
He shook my dozing soul and threw the cold water of reality in my face, so that life and God and heaven and hell broke into my world with glory and horror. (on CS Lewis)
- John Piper
But it would be a great mistake to think that the awakening of desire for the Bridegroom would produce a wave of monastic withdrawal into the fasting and prayer of passive waiting. That is not what the awakening of desire for Christ would produce. It would produce a radical, new commitment to complete the task of world evangelization, no matter what the cost. And fasting would not become a pacifistic discipline for private hopes, but a fearsome missionary weapon in the fight of faith.
- John Piper
Dullness of hearing" is hearing without faith and without the moral fruit of faith. It's hearing the Bible or the preaching of the Bible the way you hear the freeway noise on I-94, or the way you hear Muzak in the dentist's office or the way you hear recorded warnings at the airport that this is a smoke-free facility. You do but you don't. You have grown dull to the sound. It does not awaken or produce anything.
- John Piper
it would be a great mistake to think that the awakening of desire for the Bridegroom would produce a wave of monastic withdrawal into the fasting and prayer of passive waiting. That is not what the awakening of desire for Christ would produce. It would produce a radical, new commitment to complete the task of world evangelization, no matter what the cost. And fasting would not become a pacifistic discipline for private hopes, but a fearsome missionary weapon in the fight of faith.
- John Piper
We may experience a realization of our true Self the first time we meditate, but most often the process of awakening is gradual.
- Deepak Chopra
It takes time to become myself every morning.
- Lady Gaga
I believe that when death closes our eyes we shall awaken to a light, of which our sunlight is but the shadow.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
What if we decided to get right with God and begin humbly seeking His face in faith for revival and spiritual awakening like they did during the first and second great awakenings?
- Stephen Kendrick
Let gratitude be awakened; let humility be deepened; let love be quickened.
- Charles Spurgeon
The Rich man was let alone in his sin suffered to go on without molestation. He fared sumptuously every day, slept secure and expected no disturbance. And the first of his awaking out of his security was when he lifted up his eyes that were now opened being in torments.
- Jonathan Edwards
I think Christ has recommended rising early in the morning by his rising from the grave very early.
- Jonathan Edwards