Quotes about Stories
It's as if attentive people create a magnetic force field for stor- ies the tellers themselves didn't know they had within them.
- Gloria Steinem
Stories of the beleaguered Saints and of their suffering and death will be repeated again and again...Stories of their rescue need to be repeated again and again. They speak of the very essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Gordon Hinckley
Among the tortures and devastations of life is this then—our friends are not able to finish their stories.
- Virginia Woolf
It is a still stranger thing that there is nothing so delightful in the world as telling stories. It is far pleasanter than writing reviews of famous novels.
- Virginia Woolf
But if there are no stories, what end can there be, or what beginning?
- Virginia Woolf
When spiritual friends share their stories, the others listen without working. They rest. There's nothing to fix, nothing to improve. A spiritual community feels undisturbed quiet as they listen, certainly burdened . . . but still resting in the knowledge that the life within, the passion for holiness, is indestructible. It needs only to be nourished and released.
- Larry Crabb
It never ceased to amaze me how white scholars could quibble, making simple things more complicated than they really were. What is more central in the Christian Bible than the exodus and Jesus stories and the prophetic call for justice for the poor?
- James H. Cone
Through the reading of scripture, the people hear other stories about Jesus that enable them to move beyond the privateness of their own stories.
- James H. Cone
The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting than the stories of the accomplished past.
- Simon Sinek
Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible7 is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the Word of God.
- Thomas Paine
My interest as an artist is to illuminate the lives of black folks. I definitely am focused on films that illustrate all that we are and all our nuance and all our complicated beauty and mess, and when you're telling those stories, you gotta have black actors.
- Ava DuVernay
They just take on great stories and they tell great stories. That's their only objective, at least that's been my experience, so as a result we were encouraged to push the envelope and not hold back. I hugely respect Marvel for that position.
- Kari Skogland