Quotes about Allowance
Real power is measured by how much you can let things be.
- Henry David Thoreau
My friend was of opinion that when a man of rank appeared in that character [as an author], he deserved to have his merit handsomely allowed.
- Samuel Johnson
It is astonishing with how little wisdom mankind allows itself to be governed.
- Andy Andrews
God does not expect us to imitate Jesus Christ; He expects us to allow the life of Jesus to be manifested in our moral flesh.
- Oswald Chambers
Grace is just the natural loving flow of things when we allow it, instead of resisting it. Sin is any cutting or limiting of that circuit.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
More than anything else, the Spirit keeps us connected and safely inside an already existing flow, if we but allow it. We never "create" or earn the Spirit; we discover this inner abiding as we learn to draw upon our deepest inner life.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The Law of Least Effort Put every effort into organizing your life, but remember that the ultimate organizer is Nature. Don't try to steer the river. When Nature is most productive and creative, it does not work... it plays. The best work flows from us effortlessly. Putting up resistance to life ultimately never succeeds. Allow the gifts of spirit to come to you.
- Deepak Chopra
Let go, allow, and it will be yours.
- Deepak Chopra
The first thing that we need to say is that God is grieving, too. Uh, a lot of people try to make it sound like 'well everything that happens is God's will.' That's nonsense. God allows everything, but God does not choose everything.
- Rick Warren
I am not strong because I can force others to do what I wish as a result of my play with them, but because I can allow them to do what they wish in the course of my play with them.
- James Carse
I had a really nice childhood; I had great parents. I earned my allowance by washing dishes, and in the summer I earned my allowance by working in daddy's garden.
- Nikki Giovanni
Satan can do only what the sovereign God allows him to do.
- RC Sproul