Quotes about Definition
the rational treatment of any subject ought to take its start from definition, that readers may understand what the author is writing about.
- Cicero
the argument for the perfectibility of humankind rests on a logical fallacy. Thus: man is by definition imperfect, say those who would perfect him. But those who would perfect him are themselves, by their own definition, imperfect.
- Margaret Atwood
You begin to notice all the props surrounding these people, and you begin to understand how props define us and comfort us, and show us what we value and what we need, and who we think we are.
- Anne Lamott
Every sound is by definition a stop, which is how we can hear it.
- Anne Lamott
Cardio activity burns fat, and when you burn fat while building muscle, you change the ratio of stored fat to lean muscle mass, and your arms appear to be more defined.
- Mandy Ingber
I have defined the hundred per cent American as ninety-nine per cent an idiot.
- George Bernard Shaw
Every art or applied science and every systematic investigation, and similarly every action and choice, seem to aim at some good; the good, therefore, has been well defined as that at which all things aim.
- Aristotle
If, then, 'substance' is not attributed to anything, but other things are attributed to it, how does 'substance' mean what is rather than what is not?
- Aristotle
Finally I asked my friend Judy, who spent many years as a student of Sufism and who embodies fana —the self-annihilating love of God—as well as anyone I know. When I asked her to define spirituality for me, she thought for a moment and said, 'Spirituality is the active pursuit of the God you didn't make up.' I loved that. I also did not know what it meant.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart once said he could not define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it. Reverence is a little like that. It is difficult to define, but you know it when you feel it.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Ye cannot know eternal reality by a definition. Time itself, and all the acts and events that fill time are the definition, and it must be lived.
- CS Lewis
We can learn to work and speak when we are afraid in the same way we have learned to work and speak when we are tired. For we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us.
- Audre Lorde