Quotes about Core
BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). When you blend these two together - Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress - you get a magical dialectic that keeps a company or organisation vibrant over time
- Stephen Covey
People can't live with change if there's not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.
- Stephen Covey
The birth of Jesus is a birth with a message. It takes the entire Bible to bring the complete message, but this birth is the core of it: In Jesus, God is here to give us life, real life.
- Eugene Peterson
Most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or core, is still missing. The central feature of pride is enmity - enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen.
- Ezra Taft Benson
The public trust is at the core of both a free market economy and a democracy.
- Hillary Clinton
If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31-32). When we wrap God's truth around us, it protects us by strengthening our core
- Stormie Omartian
When we wrap God's truth around us, it protects us by strengthening our core being.
- Stormie Omartian
Roman soldiers girded their waist with something similar to what a weight lifter wears to give him strength and support so he won't hurt the core of his body. It enabled the soldiers to stand stronger
- Stormie Omartian
Most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or core, is still missing. The central feature of pride is enmity — enmity towards God and enmity toward our fellowmen.
- Ezra Taft Benson
The heart symbolizes the center of our moral, spiritual, and intellectual life. It is the seat of our conscience and life.
- Billy Graham
To begin a transformation you must peel back the layers and go to your core.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The soul is the truth of who we are.
- Marianne Williamson